It doesn’t really matter whether you’re a small startup or a large established company; your job descriptions are probably terrible. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Businesses and prospects both hate job descriptions Trying to figure out what a job is like by reading through a job description is like reading the outline for a jr. high student’s term paper. It’s a poorly organized, rambling...
Client or Customer?
Through my work in and with various agencies over past decade or more I’ve noticed a problematic trend: a confusion between who is a client and who is a customer. Businesses should keep in mind that each relationship requires a different point-of-view. This is most critical when looking for a new vendor. No, you’re not partners. I don’t like the term “partner” for client...
Sustaining vs Originating
Work generally falls into one of two categories: Sustaining and Originating. Sustaining makes up the majority of work. Sustaining work includes maintenance operations, as well as iterating products to keep pace with a market. It even includes depreciation practices.
Marvel’s MCU innovation strategy
Marvel, a brand once on the precipice of bankruptcy, has become one of the leading intellectual property sets in the world. Now owned by Disney, they have benefited from taking part in one of the key benefits offered by the Mouse House: activity fit. Even if you’re not a fan of the Marvel movies and episodic shows it’s important to recognize how they became so successful. The Marvel Cinematic...